
How To Become An Influencer On Linkedin

21 Aug Author Adam Houlahan, Blog, Blogging, Business, LinkedIn, Online Marketing, Social Media

"Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It's about impact, influence and inspiration

12-Week Influencer Program.

. Impact involves getting results, influence is about spreading the passion you have for your work, and you have to inspire team-mates and customers."

Robin S. Sharma

Robin Sharm says it best.

To be a leader in your industry you need to have an impact first and foremost with the content you putting out there, especially on LinkedIn, the largest professional networking platform with more than 550 million users.

Once you have had an impact on someone's life your influence will depend on a few things …

  • How many people you have following you (you don't need to have millions)
  • Your ability to consistently engage those people through your content
  • The content and client journey you can take them on to help them
  • Having a really great online presence, even getting some media attention or guest speaking engagements.
  • Having guest posts and columns to help your reach
  • Having a book or several pieces of content that are credible in their own right, white papers and research will help.

Your influence depends on more than this though… it's also your ability to be authentic and share the real experiences with people.

This is what they value the most from an influencer.

Inspiring people in the third part to the puzzle Robin S. Sharma talks of…and this will come naturally when you are yourself, you share yourself, your stories and experiences, and you help people.

How to become an influencer on LinkedIn (andbeyond!) (2)

The more you can do this, the more impact and influence you will have.

There are some other steps I'm going to walk you through now too.

But having an impact on the world is the reason why we have created the 12-Week Influencer Program.

If you've ever wanted to be a LinkedIn influencer … there's never been a better time than now (or yesterday)!

LinkedIn is changing fast and it's exciting! However, becoming an influencer anywhere takes time and effort, I've devised a strategy and footprint to not only help you …. But help the world.

Now, you know I love quotes … and so here's another one from Mark Twain.

He said: "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why."

Great change in the world comes from our community of entrepreneurs – the world's game changers, the risk takers and the deal makers… and all of those people out there who believe that business is more than just about the profits.

It's about having an impact and in a world first, we have created the 12-week Influencer Program to help make change within the world.

We are asking 12,000 entrepreneurs to join us in the challenge so that together we can become highly influential in our industries – and create 12 million impacts on people around the world … in 1200 days.

That's our mission and that will be our impact.

It's a bold plan, I know, and I'd love you to be one of those who not only participates but brings others with you.

So, let's look at how you become an influencer (or Power User) on LinkedIn and everything else you need to know.

  1. Look out for our release dates into the next program

Every 8-weeks we open access to our group-based course called the 12-Week Influencer Program. We guide you through a structured process that will give you the know-how to become highly influential in your industry.

If you want to stay ahead of the pack, sign up here to find out more.

NOTE: Sometimes we give away fully paid scholarships through a competition! Follow us closely.

  1. It's not an overnight success story

First of all, it's really important to note:

Becoming an influencer is not an overnight success and neither is the Influencer Program.

Becoming an influencer takes time and effort.

The 12-Week Influencer Program is an intensive 'deep dive' — a superb, results-producing methodology that creates a cutting-edge, lead generation sales funnel for almost any industry.

It's designed to give you the framework to follow to become the influencer you desire to be.

  1. It's more than just marketing…

How to become an influencer on LinkedIn (andbeyond!) (3)

Being "Influential" in your industry transforms your marketing efforts in 3 important ways!

a) Your ideal clients are attracted to you organically

b) Sales become effortless and you get paid what your worth

c) Your time is spent having sales conversations instead of prospecting

How does that sound to you? That's what the influencers on the internet look forward to every day. You can too, starting with LinkedIn.

  1. There are 9 steps to Influencer Success– Discovering what it is you should become an influencer of
    – Unpacking your genius and message
    – Creating your Influencer profile
    – Growing your connections the right way
    – Metrics and measuring progress
    – Gaining visibility and traction
    – Your Content Strategy
    – Your Marketing Strategy
    – Monetising your Influencer status
  1. Register your expression of interest

How to become an influencer on LinkedIn (andbeyond!) (4)

Over 12-Weeks, you will learn the formula used by many of the world's best social media influencers to position themselves to gain lucrative endorsement deals. Or to position themselves as industry heavyweights and recognised globally for their expertise.

Let us know you want all the benefits of becoming an influencer on LinkedIn and we can talk about how you can one of the 12,000 who helps create 12 million impacts around the world.

Sounds interesting! We think you'll be genuinely surprised by what you discover.

Speaking of impacting people's lives with your content … here are 3 impacts you can have today:


LinkedIn is now giving hashtag suggestions whenever you post a status update.

I see two immediate impacts:

1. Content from here, there and everywhere.

Users will at first start to see a far larger variety in the types of content in their feed. The algorithm will have to learn your tastes from scratch. So expect to get served quite a few plates of content that you might not have seen before.

2. Rise of the hashtags.

As people start seeing more content they like, the hashtags associated with them will be more important than ever. I predict savvy creators will start latching onto this, and use niche hashtags to tie themselves to content that's getting seen. A great example of this from last year was the #LetsGetHonest campaign.

Choose your hashtags wisely and two to three per post is plenty. Why not make one of them your personal hashtag. Mine is #AdamsView, try doing a search on LinkedIn and you will find everything I post all in one easy to find place.


There's more content than ever on LinkedIn. Videos, pulse articles, status posts, you name it. Which means it's more important than ever to produce something your audience actually wants to hear!

So I've made things simple for you. A basic litmus test to see if your content is worth sharing (or not).

Make sure your content falls under at least one of these 3 categories:

  1. About your business
  2. About your industry
  3. Interesting to your audience

Number 1 & 2 ensure your content is credible. Something you actually have authority speaking about.

It goes without saying that number 3 is the most important. If your content isn't interesting, it simply won't get engagement.

There are thousands of pieces of content being created every day. Let's all focus on QUALITY over QUANTITY!


If you're running a small business, you can call on the collective power of the many to make your life easier.

In your business it could be hiring a VA to help with uploading content, vetting emails or scheduling meetings.

But you can take outsourcing into your personal life too, by easily getting help with washing your car, mowing the lawns, house cleaning etc.

We call this the difference between being "IN" the business, and working "ON" the business. If you're in the business, you are the business. And without you, things grind to a halt.

This means the business is running you, instead of you running it. So here's an easy step to take yourself out of the equation, and begin working on the business instead: Start tracking how much time you spend per week on your less than important tasks, then get quotes for what it would cost to have someone else do them.

Getting help means you can either a) put those hours into higher value tasks only you can do, or b) have better quality down time.

This last point is the life you can get used to as an influencer!

Want more information?

4 ways to work with us … apart from the Influencer Program, we have these other options:

1. Grab our free 4-Week LinkedIn Profile Optimisation Course
It's the road map to positioning your profile in the top 5% of the 550 million LinkedIn users currently active
2. Join our LinkedIn Group and connect with entrepreneurs who are scaling too
It's our Facebook community where smart entrepreneurs learn to get more leads and smart ways to scale using LinkedIn

3. Join our LinkedIn Influencer Program so you can"Show out" instead of just showing up
Every 8 weeks we have a new intake into our 12-week Influencer program…

4. Work with our team privately
If you'd like to work directly with us to create new marketing opportunities send us a quick message tell us a little about your business and we'll organise a time for a deeper chat.

How To Become An Influencer On Linkedin


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