
How Much Does Netflix Pay For Movies

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How The Netflix Model Can Screw Filmmakers

Dorothy Pomerantz

This article is more than 6 years old.

With 57 million customers in 50 countries, Netflix has been aggressively moving into original content. Netflix CEO Reed Hastings has decided that the only way to compete in an increasingly crowded streaming world is to create original shows and movies that subscribers can't find anywhere else. The company has committed to spending $3 billion on content this year. Much of that will go to shows like Tina Fey's latest, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, and original movies from big-wigs like Adam Sandler and Judd Apataow.

But as The Hollywood Reporter points out, Netflix is asking filmmakers to take a gamble when they make original content for the company. The way a movie deal typically works is that the filmmakers and stars will get an advance upfront and a much bigger payout on the back end if the movie is a success. These deals can be incredibly lucrative, especially when a small or mid-budget film hits it big. Channing Tatum earned $40 million off the back of Magic Mike which cost only $7 million to produce and earned $167 million at the global box office. That's an extreme example but there's plenty of money to be made with a giant hit.

The Netflix model takes away that potential upside though. Because Netflix will only release movies in a few theaters (if it releases them in theaters at all) the movies won't earn enough at the box office to create any profit which means there can't be any box office back end.

And Netflix doesn't have any kind of syndication or international sales. The whole point of creating original content is to have it live on Netflix, not to turn around and resell it to TNT or USA Network. And the streaming service, which is quickly going global, will "sell" TV shows and films to itself internationally instead of letting producers take their films to the highest bidders.

In exchange, Netflix is throwing lots of money at filmmakers upfront. The service has committed to spending $40 to $80 million per film for Adam Sandler's 4-picture deal. Built into that budget is a nice payday for Sandler, probably at least $20 million. While Sandler had been earning that much for some of his recent comedies, a slew of bombs, including Jack & Jill and That's My Boy, were putting pressure on his quote. And when Sandler's movies weren't giant hits at the box office, there was no backend pay to go around anyway. The Netflix deal takes the risk out of movie making.

But there's a good chance some filmmakers are going to feel frustrated by the Netflix deal if their small movies become huge hits for the streaming company and they don't get to share in that success. AccordingThe Hollywood Reporter article, Netflix paid $12 million to acquire the movie Beasts of No Nation which stars Idris Elba as a commander in an unnamed African country fighting a civil war. The price tag was 200 times the movie's budget which is a great payout.

But what if the movie had turned into a major hit in a theatrical release? The filmmakers will never know what they could have earned. If 5 people or 5 million people watch the movie it will be the same pay for the creators and stars of the movie.

Of course everyone has the freedom not to take the Netflix deal but in this day and age, security can look very appealing. Theatrical releases also require millions in marketing and the release schedule is increasingly crowded with giant tentpole superhero movies that suck all the air away from mid-budget films.

But in order to continue its push into original content, Netflix is going to have to continue to spend huge sums on every new production. And in reality, the streaming company is also screwing itself out of any dramatic upside that could come from a wide theatrical release. Each new piece of content builds a library that Netflix hopes will keep existing subscribers and attract new ones. That's an incremental game. At some point, subscriber growth will top out and Netflix will either have to raise subscription rates or curtail its content spending. Hollywood is fickle, without that firehose of money, filmmakers will move to the next deep pocket offering creative freedom.

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Dorothy Pomerantz

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How Much Does Netflix Pay For Movies


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