
How To Hack A Wyze Camera

The Wyze Cam V3 mounted outdoors


  • Wyze Cam devices had a huge security flaw for years.
  • The vulnerability immune hackers to gain unauthorized access to Wyze's home security cameras.
  • The company knew about the problem and did nothing.

Update: March 31, 2022 (11:07 PM ET): Responding to the report about the vulnerability in its security cameras, Wyze has put out a blog mail service explaining its side of the story.

"Nosotros appreciated the responsible disclosure provided by Bitdefender on these vulnerabilities and worked straight with them to patch the security issues in our supported products earlier the public report," the company notes.

Wyze goes on to say that for someone to access your photographic camera feed they would need access to your local network. So, you would have had to expose your local network to either a hacker directly or the internet at big for these vulnerabilities to be exploitable remotely.

"We issued the outset patch in the month following our notification, and over time nosotros continued to mitigate the take chances of these exploits with additional patches in the months that followed," says Wyze.

It likewise has an caption for why it didn't tell its customers virtually the security flaw. Even so, it doesn't address the fact that the fault was subconscious from users for years. Here's what Wyze had to say:

Yous might exist wondering, "Why am I just hearing nigh this now?" Bitdefender and Wyze both take the prophylactic of affected users seriously. Knowing that we were actively working on risk mitigation and cosmetic updates, nosotros came to the conclusion together that it was safest to be prudent about the details until the vulnerabilities were stock-still.

Original article: March 31, 2022 (iv:xxx PM ET):  If you own any of the Wyze Cam devices — the V1, V2, or V3 — someone could have easily watched yous in secret and even downloaded the feed from the SD card of your camera. What'due south worse? For three years, Wyze knew almost the problem and chose not to admit information technology, prepare it, or fifty-fifty inform affected customers.

The software flaw in Wyze'southward cameras was discovered by folks over at Bitdefender. The security inquiry business firm claims it informed Wyze about the problem in March 2019. However, the Seattle-based company failed to respond until November 2020. Two years later, in February 2022, Wyze discontinued the Wyze Cam V1, citing the camera's disability to support a security update.

"Your connected employ of the Wyze Cam v1 subsequently Feb i, 2022, carries increased run a risk, is discouraged by Wyze, and is entirely at your own risk," the visitor said in an email to customers. However, it still didn't disclose the fact that the cameras were essentially hugger-mugger peepholes for hackers and that information technology knew about the issue. As Bleeping Figurer notes, Wyze Cam owners might however be running a vulnerable firmware version.

Also meet: The all-time security cameras yous tin become

When asked why it kept silent about such a massive security alienation, Wyze spokesperson Kyle Christensen told The Verge that the visitor has been completely transparent with its customers. Christensen also said that the consequence had been patched. However, the update that removes the vulnerability is merely available for the Wyze Cam V2 and V3, released in 2018 and 2020, respectively.

According to Wyze's Play Shop listing, the company has over five 1000000 users. It too makes multiple other smart home security products such equally video doorbells, motility sensors, and more. For a firm so vested in providing security solutions and services that apparently don't rely on overseas servers, Wyze certain has its work cut out for it at present that these findings are out in the open.

Meanwhile, If yous are a Wyze user and are worried most the security of your camera, you lot can head to the company's official portal to check for the latest firmware. If you accept the Wyze Cam V1, you're out of luck. Information technology would be all-time if you stopped using the camera altogether.


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